Inspiration, Monday Minute, Personal Branding

Monday Minute: Opportunity

Are you making the most of your opportunities? Watch today’s Monday Minute for some inspiration!

What opportunities have you jumped on lately? Let me know in the comments.

4 thoughts on “Monday Minute: Opportunity”

  1. Great Monday Minute installment and so true! I search for little nuggets of opportunity by being (trying to be) observant of the “little things” around me. When I was in college, I had attended an orientation thing and just happened to pick up a form off of a stack – it was from a financial aid seminar that I had not attended but as it turned out I qualified and got some great financial aid out of the deal. Now that I am approaching 50, I am torn between the conundrum of knowing some things in life require patience to unfold and the feeling that opportunities are slipping through my grasp. But you asked us to name an opportunity we have taken recently ….. thinking……thinking……thinking….. I suppose one is that I extended my experience of visiting Guatemala this past summer with Christian Foundation for Children and Aging by visiting churches as a volunteer to explain the program along with the visiting priest. I visited one church that did two Spanish masses. Although that challenged me greatly, it was a true opportunity in the sense that (as usual) people were only too happy to help and so patient with my rudimentary Spanish.

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