Hot Topic, Inspiration, Public Relations, Sports

Stepping up to the plate

"And then? And then when I walked down the street people would've looked and they would've said there goes Roy Hobbs, the best there ever was in this game."- Roy Hobbs, The Natural It's been a few weeks since I've had the chance to blog and to say things are busy would be an understatement.… Continue reading Stepping up to the plate

Hot Topic, Media, Public Relations, Social Media

Taking social media too seriously

Over the last few weeks there's been a fair amount of static about Facebook and the changes it implemented regarding privacy. That's on top of changing the "Become a Fan" button to "Like."  I'm not going to go all "War and Peace" on you for what I believe and what I don't on those issues...… Continue reading Taking social media too seriously

Guest Blog, Inspiration, Personal Branding, Public Relations, Uncategorized

Guest post: Ambition Knows No Limits

(Jas' note: Harrison Kratz is an incredible PR talent... Plain and simple.  You don't just decide at age 19 to start your own PR firm.  That caught my attention immediately. While he is just getting his engine revved up, I asked him to offer up a guest blog on what he's experienced so far.) About… Continue reading Guest post: Ambition Knows No Limits