Hot Topic, Marketing, Public Relations, Uncategorized

To PPT or not to PPT

Over the last few months, I've done a number of presentations and I'm asked the same question: "Will you have a PowerPoint to present?" My answer (so far) is always, "yes." But, it was a discussion with my wife about a PowerPoint presentation that really got me thinking. She asked after my most recent talk,… Continue reading To PPT or not to PPT

Hot Topic, Inspiration, Job Search

If you could speak at commencement…

"Members of the Class of 2012..." Those words are going to be uttered by college presidents and deans, and commencement speakers over the next few weeks. It has been 15 years since I graduated college. It's a day I remember like it was yesterday, though. Bill Cosby's wife, Camille, spoke at Temple University's commencement ceremony… Continue reading If you could speak at commencement…


What the Avengers can teach you about PR

I have no problem admitting that I'm passionate about public relations, social media marketing, and teamwork. But, I'm also a huge super hero geek. Seeing how Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America have been placed on the big screen has been awesome. On Friday, May 4, The Avengers opens in theaters around North America. I've done… Continue reading What the Avengers can teach you about PR